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Category: <span>EDDL 5131</span>

EDDL 5131 Week 12 Activity 1

In the educational context where you teach or support learning, what outcomes and associated content could be supported by interactive media? Skills Profile- Everfi Endeavor Career Map Everfi Endeavor Job Profile- My Blueprint Surveys What challenges would you or your institution face in developing interactive media and integrating it into …

EDDL 5131 Assignment 4

1. Canva Presentation click here 2. Transcript 3. Please add your contributions to discussions here.   4. Report For a summary S.E.C.T.I.O.N.S analysis of Canva please click here. Canva is a multimedia design platform that allows users to communicate messages and tell stories in a variety of ways (Morris, K, …

EDDL 5131

sTUDENT vIDEO aCTIVITIES   Students will film themselves answering an interview question using the S.T.A.R format. Careers and Digital Communications, Grade 11 Be able to promote yourself using S.T.A.R responses. Digital camera/ smartphone Uploaded to their G-Site Students will collate all of their career explorations and present their research. Careers …