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Year: <span>2019</span>

EDDL 5101 Exploring Digital Solutions- Assignment 3

Exploring Digital Solutions- Assignment 3 CONTEXT Upon evaluating the course at the end of last academic year, student feedback revealed that more experience with financial literacy was needed and the activities needed to offer real-life skills and authentic learning experiences.  The Digital Communications Department teaches the blended DC/Careers 11 course …

EDDL 5111 Blog Post #5

Design Perspectives The 2 articles that I read gave me much food for thought and as a result I shall try to incorporate a different theoretical lens /worldview in my design practice. Whilst I do have some flexibility in the design of the course and resources, I am restricted by …

EDDL 5101 Week 5 Activity 1

Asynchronous Tool Some of the asynchronous tools that I could integrate are: PowToon Discussion Forums (if using Moodle) Facebook or Twitter Screen Castify G Suite Apps Podcasts Everfi External website and interactive content (online banking simulations) Google Groups to communicate and collaborate. Google Site to host Blogs YouTube Digital Library/ …

EDDL 5101 Week 4 Activity 5: My PLN

My PLN   Couros, G. (2016, September 15). The networked teacher [Diagram]. Retrieved from https://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/tag/the-networked-teacher Purpose: Connect to fellow educators and generate more ideas for using technology in the classroom. Collate tools, resources and materials to support my teaching Keep abreast of trends and pedagogy in anticipation of future appointments …

EDDL 5111 Blog #3

Summary of Results from TPI After completing the Teaching Perspective Inventory, my results came out as shown in the graph:   Results indicated that I was dominant in Apprenticeship and recessive in Social Reform. My back-up was Developmental. I scored equally for Transmission and Nurturing.  I had high High internal …